Savelina Fanene

Birth name: Savelina Fanene fka Nia Jax
Born: May 29th, 1984
From: Sydney, Australia

Savelina Fanene is a former WWE Superstar and E! Total Divas Star. She was a force to be reckoned with in the women's division. Savelina aimed to prove to be the most dominant and fierce competitor that stepped in the ring, and she did just that during her 7-year stint in WWE, where she became RAW Women's Champion and two-time Women's Tag Team Champion etching her name in history for years to come.

There was one thing that was painfully clear when someone stepped in the ring with Savelina: "She was not like most women".

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 Savelina Fanene Quote

"Anyone can be born with or buy pretty features, but that doesn’t make you truly beautiful. True beauty comes from your soul!"

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Channel: WWE Network

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Savelina-Fanene.Com is an approved source on Former WWE and E! Total Divas Star, Lina Fanene. We are in no way affiliated with WWE, or any other company. This is strictly a non-profit fansite. No copyright infringement is intended. We do not claim ownership over any content posted on the site and give full credit to sources used. All photos, video content & media belong to WWE and all original sources. We do not claim ownership of any content. All photos are being used under the Fair Copyright Law 107. copyright to their correct owners. If there are any problems with the information that we post please notify us to have it removed or credited.

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WWE RAW Results – October 15th, 2018
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Nia Jax and Ember Moon vs Dana Brooke and Tamina Snuka

We go to the ring and out comes Ember Moon as JoJo does the introductions. She waits on the stage and out next comes her partner – Nia Jax. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and Dana Brooke is out with the returning Tamina Snuka. Ember starts off with Dana and they go at it with Moon taking control. Dana drops Moon with a big shoulder. Moon takes the legs out with a sweep and rolls Dana up for a 2 count. Tamina tags in and works over Moon in the corner. Tamina keeps control until Moon gets a break and in comes Jax


Jax stares Tamina down as fans pop. They go at it and Nia gets the upperhand. Jax splashes Tamina on the mat. Tamina makes a comeback and delivers a boot. Jax fights back and they trade headbutts. Tamina ends up blocking a Samoan Drop attempt. Tamina goes for a Samoan Drop of her own but can’t get her up either. Tamina finally scoops Jax up and hits the Samoan Drop.

Dana ends up tagging in but Jax tosses her into the corner and splashes her. Moon tags in with The Eclipse for the pin.

After the match, Jax and Moon celebrate as we go to replays. Tamina approaches Jax but Moon gets in the middle. Moon is pushed to the side. Jax and Tamina tangle but Tamina drops her with a superkick. Tamina and Ember look at each other, then tip Jax over the top rope to the floor. Fans boo. Tamina talks trash to Jax and Moon tries to dump her over the top rope from behind but Tamina stops her. Dana comes from behind and puts them both over the top. Dana stands tall in the ring as her music hits.

WWE RAW Results – October 8th, 2018
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Nia Jax vs Ember Moon

We go to the ring and Ember Moon waits as Nia Jax makes her way out.

The bell rings and Ember ducks a clothesline. They tangle and Nia blocks an arm drag, swatting Moon to the mat. Moon tries to mount some offense and stuns Nia with an enziguri but she’s still standing. Moon goes for a crossbody but Nia spikes her to the mat. Nia stalks Moon and splashes her in the corner. Nia tosses Moon across the ring.

Moon blocks a powerslam and goes for a Sleeper on Nia’s back. Nia tosses Moon to the mat. Nia blocks a shot. Moon counters a move and takes Nia down with a hurricanrana. Moon with a basement dropkick to send Nia out of the ring. Moon runs the ropes and hits a suicide dive but Nia is still standing. Moon goes back in but Nia pulls her right back out. Moon hits the mat on her face as the referee counts. Nia presses Moon on the floor but she slides out, stumbles around and hits her. Nia ends up running into the apron as Moon moves. Moon makes it back into the ring and Nia is counted out.

After the match, Moon enters the ring to have her arm raised as Nia looks on and her music plays. Nia enters the ring and they hug. Nia raises Moon’s arm and they embrace again.

WWE RAW Results – September 24th, 2018
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Nia Jax vs. Alicia Fox

We go to the ring and out comes Nia Jax to a pop. Ember Moon is with her. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and we go to the ring and Nia waits with Moon as we see a sidebar video recorded earlier the day with the two. Moon mentioned Nia being nominated for a People’s Choice Award. Alicia Fox makes her way out with Mickie James and the injured Alexa Bliss.

The match starts and Nia goes to work on Fox. Nia overpowers and slams Fox. Nia with another big move, sending Fox to regroup on the floor with Bliss and Mickie. Moon runs over and nails a big rolling cannonball to Mickie on the floor. Nia comes out and rolls Fox back in the ring. Fox kicks Nia as she re-enters. Fox with a swinging neckbreaker for a 2 count.

Fox keep Nia grounded in the middle of the ring now as Moon looks on. Nia powers up and rams Fox back into the corner while on her back. Fox counters and levels Nia with a running kick. Fox with another 2 count. Fox works Nia around with strikes. Fox charges but Nia scoops her for a big Samoan Drop and covers for the pin.

After the match, Moon hits the ring to check on Nia and raise her arm. Bliss enters to check on Fox and help her out of the ring.

RAW Backstage Exclusive

The Irresistible Force and The War Goddess comment on their mutual respect dating back to their NXT days and Ember Moon joining the second season of WWE Mixed Match challenge.

Nia Jax: My Daughter is a WWE Superstar
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Nia Jax’s mom reveals what The Irresistible Force was like growing up, how she felt watching her daughter’s NXT debut and more in WWE’s digital series My Daughter is a WWE Superstar.

Nia Jax recognized as 2018 TODAY Style Hero
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Nia Jax is living her best life, and these past few days couldn’t have been better proof. Over the weekend, Jax received The Association of National Advertisers’ #SeeHER Now Award, and she wowed the WWE Universe with her return to Raw this past Monday. Now, The Irresistible Force is logging another momentous feat, this time being named one of the 2018 TODAY Style Heroes.

The list celebrates 40 fearless, bold and influential trailblazers, and Jax was recognized alongside Mindy Kaling, Gabrielle Union, Helen Mirren and more. Nia’s inclusion comes after she shared a powerful Instagram post, promoting self-confidence and body positivity, which became the cornerstone of her Raw Women’s Title reign.

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WWE RAW Results – September 17th, 2018
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Nia Jax and Ember Moon vs Mickie James and Alicia Fox

Back from a break and Mickie James is in the ring with Alicia Fox as Alexa Bliss watches from ringside. Ember Moon is out next. Moon waits for her mystery partner and out comes Nia Jax, making her return.

Jax starts off for her team. Mickie and Fox aren’t interested in mixing it up. Moon starts off instead and goes at it with Fox. Fox drops her first with a shoulder but Moon kips up and unloads for a 2 count on Fox. Moon goes for a tag but Fox stops her. Fox whips Moon into the corner and tags in Mickie to take over. Mickie with a running kick to the face for a 2 count. Moon ends up taking Mickie down with with a scissors. Moon with more offense and a big suicide dive, taking out Mickie and Fox on the floor for a pop.

Moon brings Mickie back into the ring. Moon goes to the top but Fox pushes her off while the referee has his back turned. Mickie with a stiff kick to Moon for a 2 count. Fox tags back in to double team Moon as Jax waits for the hot tag. Mickie tags back in for more double teaming. Mickie works Moon over and keeps her grounded in the middle of the ring, talking trash to the hometown star about how the people don’t love her. Moon tries to fight back but Mickie cuts her off. Moon with more comeback attempts but Mickie cuts her off. Fox tags back in and levels Moon with a kick to the face for a 2 count, and another quick pin attempt.

Moon counters a suplex and finally tags in Jax. Jax unloads on Fox and rams her into Mickie in the corner, sending Mickie to the floor. Jax ragdolls Fox and splashes her in the corner. Jax tosses Fox into the corner but runs into an elbow. More back and forth until Jax runs over Fox for a 2 count as Mickie breaks the pin. Mickie begs Jax and slaps her. Mickie turns around to Moon hitting the Eclipse from the top rope. They go to the floor. Fox tries a kick but Jax ends up hitting the Samoan Drop for the win.

After the match, Bliss looks on from ringside and she’s not happy. Jax and Moon stand tall in the middle of the ring and celebrate. Cole talks about how Jax won The Association of National Advertisers’ #SeeHER Now Award this past Saturday night.

Nia Jax receives A.N.A.’s #SeeHER Now Award
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Nia Jax received The Association of National Advertisers’ #SeeHER Now Award on Saturday night. The award recognizes the obstacles and challenges that Jax has overcome while also honoring her dedication to assisting others.

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