Savelina Fanene

Birth name: Savelina Fanene fka Nia Jax
Born: May 29th, 1984
From: Sydney, Australia

Savelina Fanene is a former WWE Superstar and E! Total Divas Star. She was a force to be reckoned with in the women's division. Savelina aimed to prove to be the most dominant and fierce competitor that stepped in the ring, and she did just that during her 7-year stint in WWE, where she became RAW Women's Champion and two-time Women's Tag Team Champion etching her name in history for years to come.

There was one thing that was painfully clear when someone stepped in the ring with Savelina: "She was not like most women".

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 Savelina Fanene Quote

"Anyone can be born with or buy pretty features, but that doesn’t make you truly beautiful. True beauty comes from your soul!"

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Channel: WWE Network

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Savelina-Fanene.Com is an approved source on Former WWE and E! Total Divas Star, Lina Fanene. We are in no way affiliated with WWE, or any other company. This is strictly a non-profit fansite. No copyright infringement is intended. We do not claim ownership over any content posted on the site and give full credit to sources used. All photos, video content & media belong to WWE and all original sources. We do not claim ownership of any content. All photos are being used under the Fair Copyright Law 107. copyright to their correct owners. If there are any problems with the information that we post please notify us to have it removed or credited.

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WWE RAW Results – February 18th, 2019
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We go to the ring and out come the first WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions, Sasha Banks and Bayley.

Bayley says she’s feeling it tonight, but last night was emotional for both of them. Bayley can’t believe they are standing here with the titles. Banks says this feels like a dream but it is definitely real, they really did this. Banks talks about how crazy it is to see how far they’ve come, from NXT to making history together. They go on about not being afraid, about having the same dreams, visions and goals. Banks says they put their hearts and souls into the women’s division and they will face anyone, anywhere, be it RAW, SmackDown or NXT. They say there is no stronger connection than the Boss ‘n’ Hug Connection.

The music interrupts and out comes Nia Jax and Tamina Snuka to the stage. Jax mocks the champions and tells them to stop with the crying. Jax congratulates them and says they are cute in their matching outfits but they don’t get it. They go on talking trash as they walk to the ring. Jax points out how Banks always loses her titles on her first defense. Snuka sends a warning, saying they got lucky last night but their luck is about to run out now. Snuka and Jax rush the ring but Banks and Bayley fight them off, not letting them in. Banks grabs Jax and applies a Banks Statement under the bottom rope but Snuka pulls her to safety. Jax and Snuka retreat up the ramp as Bayley’s music hits. Banks and Bayley stand tall with their titles in the ring.

WWE RAW Results – February 11th, 2019
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Nia Jax and Tamina Snuka vs. Liv Morgan and Sarah Logan vs Sasha Banks and Bayley

Back from the break and the other two teams are out – Liv Morgan & Sarah Logan and Nia Jax & Tamina Snuka. The winners of this match will earn an advantage in Sunday’s Elimination Chamber match for the WWE Women’s Tag Team Titles. Sasha starts off with Jax. Jax overpowers early on and does the same to Liv when she tags in. Jax taunts Liv. Liv nails Jax but quickly makes the tag to Logan when Jax stumbles around. Logan tries to turn it around but Jax decks her and drops her with a headbutt. Jax tags in Snuka for some double teaming in the corner. Logan sends Snuka into the corner and in comes Liv again. Liv with a 2 count. Liv tries to take it to Snuka but Snuka drops her. Snuka slams Liv in the middle of the ring and covers for a 2 count. Snuka keeps Liv grounded now.

Jax comes back in to keep the offense going on Liv. Liv finally mounts some offense and tries to take the legs out. Liv dropkicks Jax down against the ropes and goes to follow-up but Bayley tags herself in. Liv shoves Bayley at Jax and Jax floors Bayley. This leads to Logan leveling Banks on the outside as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and officials are at ringside checking on Banks. Liv has Bayley grounded in the middle of the ring now. We get a replay of Banks being dropped at ringside before the break. Liv tags Snuka in now. Snuka goes to work on Bayley as we see trainers and referees assisting Banks to the back. Banks looks back at the ring and isn’t happy about leaving. Bayley grabs a Snuka superkick and rolls her up for a 2 count. Bayley keeps control for another pin attempt.

Bayley catches Snuka and drops her over the top rope. Liv tags in as Ruby Riott looks on from ringside. Liv and Logan double team Snuka. Logan with a flying knee. Logan and Liv with another big double team to Snuka. Liv covers Snuka for a close 2 count. Jax ends up going at it with Logan now and Jax unloads. Tamina goes to the top for the Superfly Splash but Logan gets her knees up. Liv tags in as does Bayley. Bayley unloads and nails a bunch of punches on the mat. Bayley keeps control and takes Liv to the apron. Snuka charges and Bayley takes her to the apron too. Bayley drop them both with a double DDT for a pop.

Bayley takes out Logan with the dropkick through the bottom rope in the corner on the outside. We see the WWE Women’s Tag Team Titles on display as Bayley takes out Jax and then Ruby. Bayley brings it back into the ring and looks to put Liv away. Bayley nails the top rope elbow drop but Logan breaks the pin up just in time. Logan charges but Bayley drops her. Liv rolls Bayley up for a close 2 count. Bayley catches Liv with a Bayley-to-Belly suplex but Snuka breaks the pin with a superkick to the face. Snuka drags Liv to Jax in their corner. Jax tags in and nails a Samoan Drop on Bayley for the pin to win.

After the match, Jax and Snuka celebrate the Chamber match advantage.

WWE RAW Results – February 4th, 2019
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A Moment of Bliss

Alexa welcomes everyone and she says her guest is a man of mystery and she cannot wait to get to know him better. She brings out EC3. Alexa asks him if he is ready for his moment of bliss. You are young, good looking, and have a very large bank account. That makes you a hot commodity. You have been playing a little hard to get. She wants to know will it be Raw or Smackdown.

EC3 is interrupted by Nia Jax and Tamina Snuka.

Nia says no one cares and no one wants to see this blind date thing going on. Nia says we should be talking about her amazing week. She says she broke boundaries by entering the Royal Rumble match. Then she and Tamina qualified for the Elimination Chamber and the Women’s Tag Titles. Nia says this is her moment. The world is talking about her and what will she do next. Maybe she will fill in for Becky Lynch at Wrestlemania. Maybe . . .

Dean Ambrose interrupts and Nia complains to Dean about him interrupting her interruption. Dean says he has something to say to Nia Jax. It is obvious that you have a huge crush on him. She is not the first woman to be confused by his animal magnetism. He tells Nia to stay away from him.

WWE RAW Results – January 28th, 2019
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WWE Women’s Tag Team Titles Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match: Tamina Snuka and Nia Jax vs. Alexa Bliss and Mickie James

Back from the break and Dean Ambrose is sitting in a chair in the ring. Out comes Nia Jax and Tamina Snuka as we see highlights from Jax’s appearance in the men’s Royal Rumble match. Jax faces off with Ambrose and they have words. Ambrose turns to leave but Jax nails him from behind to send him out. Referees hold Ambrose back as Jax taunts him from the ring. Ambrose gets on the apron but backs off as Jax laughs. Alexa Bliss is out next with her partner Mickie James. We get a sidebar video from earlier today with Bliss and Mickie taking shots at their opponents.

The bell rings as we see the titles on display at ringside. Snuka starts off with Bliss. They shove each other. Bliss smacks her. Snuka sends Bliss to the mat. They go at it and trade moves. Bliss kips up and goes for the standing moonsault. Bliss with a 2 count. Snuka scoops Bliss but she slides out. Jax tags in and drops Bliss in the corner, also knocking Mickie off the apron. Jax stands tall in the ring as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Snuka keeps control of Bliss. Snuka grounds Bliss and works her over in the middle of the ring. Snuka with more offense and a 2 count. Jax tags in and headbutts Bliss back down. Jax works Bliss around the ring for a few minutes and tags Snuka back in. Bliss drops Snuka out of the corner for a close 2 count. Mickie tries to rally Bliss for a hot tag now.

Bliss finally makes the tag. Mickie comes in and kicks Snuka, then flies off the top to take her back down. Mickie with right hands in the middle of the ring. Snuka shoves her down. Mickie with the hurricanrana out of the corner. Mickie keeps control and hits a neckbreaker for a 2 count. Jax tags in and sends Mickie to the corner but misses a splash. Mickie kicks Jax but Jax tosses her tot he mat. Jax scoops Mickie on her shoulders but Bliss goes to the corner.

Jax gets both opponents on her shoulders now. Jax with a double Samoan Drop. Jax covers Mickie for the pin to win the Elimination Chamber spot. After the match, Jax and Snuka stand tall as we see the titles on display at ringside. They march to the back.

WWE RAW Results – January 21st, 2019
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Back from the break and Alexa Bliss is out with her set up for another edition of “A Moment of Bliss” on the stage.

Bliss talks about the women’s Royal Rumble Match on Sunday. She shows us some of the participants on the big screen – Bayley, Tamina Snuka, Lana, Sonya Deville, Mandy Rose, Dana Brooke, Sarah Logan, Ruby Riott, Liv Morgan, Ember Moon, Peyton Royce, Billie Kay, Carmella, Alicia Fox, Natalya, Mickie James, Nia Jax, Nikki Cross, Naomi, Zelina Vega and Charlotte Flair. She calls out her guest for tonight, who she was once best of friends and enemies with. Bliss says her guest is the favorite to win on Sunday with many people. The music hits and out comes Jax.

Bliss asks Jax who she would face if she won the Rumble this Sunday. The music quickly interrupts and out comes Moon. Bliss says she didn’t invite Moon out. Moon snatches the mic from Jax and Jax stands up to confront her. Moon says she’s tired of sitting in the back waiting for an invitation that would never come. So she’s here to declare that she will win on Sunday. The music interrupts and out comes Fox. Fox snatches the mic from Moon. Fox says she’s the captain of this division and she’s setting the course for WrestleMania 35. Fox goes on until Mickie’s music interrupts. Mickie says she’s stolen the show at WrestleMania before and she’s going to do it again this year. They all start arguing as Bliss watches. They’re fighting over the mic now. The Riott Squad comes out as Bliss tries to restore order. Tamina, Dana and Cross are also out. Bliss stands on a chair and yells about this being her show. Bliss says not only are they embarrassing themselves, they’re ruining her chance at being a legitimate talk show host. Bliss asks them to all calm down, for her, especially Cross. A big brawl breaks out instead.

The brawl goes on and spills into the backstage area.

WWE RAW Results – January 7th, 2019
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We go to the stage for the premiere of “A Moment of Bliss” with Alexa Bliss. Bliss has her own set on the stage. She insults the people of Orlando and hypes her new talk show segment. Bliss snaps for coffee and a staffer brings her cup out. She leads us to a video showing the first year that her first guest had. The video shows highlights of RAW Women’s Champion Ronda Rousey’s first year in WWE.

Bliss introduces her first guest and out comes Ronda Rousey. Rousey takes her seat and Bliss offers her hand for a shake but Rousey no-sells it. Bliss asks Rousey to tell us about her first year. Rousey thanks Bliss and the chants for Becky Lynch start up. Rousey says this year has been extraordinary but as champion, she wants to look forward, not back. Rousey says she wants to be a champion we can be proud of and in order for her to do that, she needs to chase with a vengeance. She gives major praise to Sasha Banks, while taking shots at Charlotte Flair and Becky Lynch. Bliss thought Rousey was setting her up with the praise. We hear Nia Jax making gagging noises on the mic.

Jax interrupts the show and says it sounds like Rousey has a girl crush on Banks. Jax asks Rousey if she forgot about her. Jax says they have unfinished business. Jax says she wasn’t her best at WWE TLC but that was way back in 2018. Jax says Seth Rollins is getting his rematch tonight, so she thinks she deserves one as well. Jax asks Rousey when she will get the rematch. The music interrupts and out comes Banks. Banks says she’s honored to hear those words from Rousey and she agrees with looking forward. Banks says she would love to face Rousey for the title. She says it would be her honor to teach Rousey how to lose with dignity and class. Rousey laughs. Jax gets in Banks’ face and reminds h er there’s a 300 pound Samoan in her face, one who can break her face. Jax tells Banks to get to the back of the line. Banks calls her a b—h and asks what line. Jax says she is the line. Banks says she will beat Jax right now and the winner will face Rousey. Banks drops the mic and marches to the ring. Jax takes one of the talk show seats and gets comfortable. She says not right now, she is THE b*tch not a b—h but… Banks waits in the ring. We go to commercial.

#1 Contenders Match: Nia Jax vs. Sasha Banks

Back from the break and the match is underway as the bell rings. Nia Jax and Sasha Banks go at it with a Royal Rumble title shot on the line, according to Cole. They go to the floor and Banks jumps off the steps but Jax catches her. They end up bringing it back into the ring as Banks unloads for a pin attempt.

Banks tries to keep the momentum going but Jax counters. Banks tries for the guillotine in the middle of the ring but Jax hangs on. Jax powers up with a big vertical suplex. Tamina Snuka looks on from ringside in support of Jax.

Jax sends Banks to the corner and drops her. Banks ends up laid out on the floor after getting smashed in the face. Snuka looks to approach Banks at ringside but Bayley runs up and unloads on her. Snuka sends Bayley into the barrier and takes her down. Jax stops Banks from attacking and works her over. Jax presses Banks high in the air and walks several feet over to a production area case, pressing Banks onto the top of the case. Jax smiles and returns to the ring as the referee counts.

Banks makes it back to the ring right before the 10 count. Jax keeps control and hits a sitdown powerbomb for another close 2 count. We go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Jax has Banks up in a Torture Rack. Banks fights free and tries to mount some momentum. Banks drives Jax face-first. Banks with more offense and a knee to the face for a 2 count. Banks goes to the top and hits the Meteora to Jax for a 2 count. Jax avoids the Banks Statement. Jax goes for the Facebreaker but can’t get it. They tangle and Jax nails the Samoan Drop for a 2 count.

Jax with more offense and a big splash in the corner to drop Banks. Jax goes for the second rope Samoan Drop but Banks resists. Jax kicks her away. Banks comes back fighting again. Banks climbs up for a superplex but Jax catches her on her shoulders. Jax brings Banks down hard over the top rope with her neck hitting first. Jax laughs as Banks is laid out. Jax wastes some time and covers for a 2 count. Jax misses the leg drop and Banks starts to make her comeback.

Snuka gets a cheap shot in from ringside but Bayley comes over and attacks her. Bayley sends Snuka into the barrier. Jax charges on the apron but Banks moves. Jax runs into the ring post. They end up on the apron again. Banks tries to bring Jax to the floor for a hurricanrana but Banks lands on the floor. Banks ends up coming back in over the top and applying the Banks Statement in the middle of the ring. Jax taps out and Banks is going to the Rumble.

After the match, Banks celebrates and stands tall to a pop as her music hits. Jax isn’t happy. Bayley comes in to celebrate with Banks.

WWE RAW Results – December 31st, 2018
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Nia Jax and Tamina vs Ronda Rousey

We go to the ring and out comes Nia Jax and Tamina Snuka for tonight’s main event. Natalya and Ronda Rousey are out next.

Rousey and Natalya hit the ring and immediately attack. Snuka takes most of it as Jax retreats to the floor and watches. The bell rings and Rousey takes out Snuka. Rousey wants Jax. Jax comes in and Rousey takes her down. Rousey tries to get the armbar locked in but somehow Jax resists. Jax comes back and tosses Rousey out of the corner. Jax with a splash in the opposite corner now. Jax slams Rousey in the middle of the ring. Jax goes to drop down on Rousey but Rousey rolls out of the way.

Snuka and Natalya tag in at the same time. Natalya with a shoulder and a dropkick. Natalya unloads on Snuka and covers for a 2 count. Natalya with some offense in the corner while Snuka is down. Natalya with a big slam out of the corner for a 2 count. Natalya goes for the Sharpshooter but Jax pulls Snuka to safety. Natalya with a baseball slide to her opponents on the outside. Rousey tags in and goes to the top. Rousey leaps from the top to the floor, taking Jax and Snuka down on the outside. Rousey and Natalya stand tall in the ring as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Jax drops Natalya in the middle of the ring. Jax drops Natalya again with a headbutt and puts boots to her against the ropes as the referee counts. Snuka comes in an unloads in the corner. Jax comes right back in but Natalya fights her out of the corner. Jax scoops Natalya and slams her. Jax taunts Rousey. Jax sends Natalya into the ring post as Rousey waits for the tag. Jax keeps control of Natalya and taunts Rousey again. Jax wastes some time but covers Natalya for another 2 count.

More back and forth now. Natalya looks to make a comeback but Snuka comes in and grounds h er. Natalya avoids a Samoan Drop. Snuka and Natalya both go down after colliding with crossbody attempts. Snuka stops the tag. Natalya kicks her back and Rousey finally gets the hot tag. Jax also comes in but Rousey unloads on her, taking it into the corner with strikes. Rousey with strikes and a running knee. Rousey with takedown pin attempt. Rousey with a big jumping elbow for a close 2 count. Rousey gets hyped up waiting for Jax to get back to her feet. Jax catches Rousey and presses her high above her head. Jax slams Rousey hard in the middle of the ring. Rousey kicks out at 2.

Jax scoops Rousey on her shoulders and takes her to the second rope for a super Samoan Drop. Rousey fights her. Snuka tags in but Rousey doesn’t see it. Rousey gets free but Snuka runs in with a big superkick to the face for a close 2 count. Snuka with a big headbutt. Snuka misses another headbutt as Rousey moves. Rousey goes for the armbar but Snuka tries to block it. Jax comes in and drops a leg on Rousey. Natalya comes in and kicks Jax. Snuka superkicks Natalya. Snuka with a close 2 count on Rousey. Snuka goes to the top for the Superfly Splash but Rousey gets her boots up. Rousey turns that into the armbar in the middle of the ring. Snuka taps out.