Savelina Fanene

Birth name: Savelina Fanene fka Nia Jax
Born: May 29th, 1984
From: Sydney, Australia

Savelina Fanene is a former WWE Superstar and E! Total Divas Star. She was a force to be reckoned with in the women's division. Savelina aimed to prove to be the most dominant and fierce competitor that stepped in the ring, and she did just that during her 7-year stint in WWE, where she became RAW Women's Champion and two-time Women's Tag Team Champion etching her name in history for years to come.

There was one thing that was painfully clear when someone stepped in the ring with Savelina: "She was not like most women".

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 Savelina Fanene Quote

"Anyone can be born with or buy pretty features, but that doesn’t make you truly beautiful. True beauty comes from your soul!"

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Channel: WWE Network

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Savelina-Fanene.Com is an approved source on Former WWE and E! Total Divas Star, Lina Fanene. We are in no way affiliated with WWE, or any other company. This is strictly a non-profit fansite. No copyright infringement is intended. We do not claim ownership over any content posted on the site and give full credit to sources used. All photos, video content & media belong to WWE and all original sources. We do not claim ownership of any content. All photos are being used under the Fair Copyright Law 107. copyright to their correct owners. If there are any problems with the information that we post please notify us to have it removed or credited.

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WWE RAW Results – June 21st, 2021
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We see highlights from Alexa Bliss’ win over Shayna Baszler at Hell In a Cell. Patrick stops Baszler, Nia Jax, and Reginald backstage. Jax says what happened last night to Reginald will not happen tonight. Baszler asks Reggie if he’s scared. Baszler isn’t worried about anyone stopping them from qualifying for Money In the Bank. Jax interrupts and says but there is something different about Bliss. They walk off.

Money In the Bank Qualifying Match: Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross vs. Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler

The match gets underway with super Cross and Baszler, and Shayna takes control early on with some joint manipulation. Cross is sent to the apron and looks for a sunset flip but Jax gets tagged in. Jax backs Cross into the corner and looks for a shoulder tackle but nobody’s home and she tumbles to the floor. Reginald checks on Nia and Bliss starts hypnotizing him but Shayna snaps him out of it. Cross dives off the ropes onto them all on the floor, then poses in the ring.

*Commercial Break*

Cross hits a bulldog to Baszler and tags Bliss, who hits a senton. Baszler rakes the eyes and Jax tags in. Nia slams Alexa into the buckles, then tags Shayna in for a leaping knee to the jaw. Baszler applies a modified camel clutch but Bliss fights free and hits a sunset bomb. Tags made to Cross and Jax, and Nikki counters a powerslam to land a dropkick.

Jax puts Cross in the corner and tags Shayna, who almost hits her partner. Bliss gets on the top rope and hypnotises Reggied into almost slapping Nia but he stops himself. Jax hugs him but Cross dropkicks them both through the ropes. Cross hits a tilt-a-whirl into a roll-up for the win.

After the match, Cross goes to ringside to celebrate by herself as the music hits. Baszler, Jax and Reginald regroup in the ring as the tension continues.

WWE RAW Results – July 27th, 2020
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The music immediately hits and out comes Nia Jax making her return, for the first time since losing to RAW Women’s Champion Asuka on June 15.

Jax marches to the ring. The crowd boos. Jax says she just heard Randy Orton Orton talk about waking up and knowing what he wants. She knows how it feels. She woke up this morning and wanted to become RAW Women’s Champion. Jax talks about how she was screwed by a certain referee last month. She says Charlotte Flair hasn’t been seen since. She mentions Asuka’s match with WWE Women’s Champion Sasha Banks later tonight but she wants to… the music interrupts and out comes Shayna Baszler to the ring.

Baszler marches to the ring and gets in Jax’s face with a mic. Baszler tells Jax nobody gives a damn what she wants. Jax pulls back and drops Baszler in the middle of the ring. Jax attacks and they brawl. Referees rush down to break the fight up. We go to commercial.

Nia Jax is backstage talking to a referee. Back to commercial.

Nia Jax vs Shayna Baszler

Back from the break and Nia Jax is out, as is Shayna Baszler. The bell rings and they start brawling.

Jax sends Baszler to the apron and then the floor. She follows and launches Baszler into the Plexiglas. The referee counts and ends up counting them both out.

After the bell, Jax and Baszler continue brawling. Security tries to break it up but Baszler applies the Kirifuda Clutch on one of the guards. Jax shoves producer Pat Buck into Baszler and Jax drop him. Jax drops Baszler off the apron.

WWE RAW Results – June 15th, 2020
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RAW Women’s Title Match: Nia Jax vs. Asuka

We go back to the ring and out comes Nia Jax for this rematch from the Double Count Out at WWE Backlash. We get pre-recorded comments with Jax saying Asuka had dumb luck at Backlash and it was a joke, just like her. She tells Asuka to keep dancing around because she will be doing a victory dance all on her own when she takes the title tonight. Jax stands tall in the ring as we go back to a break.

Back from the break and out comes RAW Women’s Champion Asuka. We get formal ring introductions from Rome in the middle of the ring. The bell rings and Jax levels Asuka with two clotheslines. Jax overpowers and continues to dominate in the early part of the match. Asuka takes Jax down in an armbar out of nowhere in the middle of the ring. Jax rolls to the apron for a breather. Asuka goes for the Hip Attack but Jax moves out of the way.

Jax gets Asuka on her shoulders while on the apron. Asuka struggles and counters, sliding out as the referee counts to 5. Asuka is back in the ring now. Jax comes in from the apron but stalls some, stunned a bit. Asuka unloads with kicks as Jax comes back through the ropes. Jax levels Asuka with a big right hand. Jax kicks Asuka around and taunts her while she’s down. Asuka pulls Jax down into an armbar out of nowhere again. Jax gets the bottom rope to break the hold.

Jax rolls to the floor for a breather. Asuka runs the ropes for a baseball slide but she stops short. Jax pulls Asuka out of drops her with a big powerbomb on the floor. The referee immediately runs out and checks on Asuka while she’s on the floor. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and Jax manhandles Asuka on her shoulders in a Torture Rack. She drops her to the mat. Asuka comes back with double knees to the face and another takedown for a 2 count. The crowd rallies for Asuka as she goes to the top. Jax cuts her off with a forearm to the face. Jax climbs up for a super Samoan Drop but Asuka slides out and down. They both fight for control and Asuka kicks her legs out from the middle rope, hanging Jax upside down. Asuka charges and delivers a big double stomp to the abdomen while upside down. Jax kicks out at 2.

Asuka delivers big kicks while Jax is on her knees. Jax blocks the roundhouse kick and headbutts Asuka to the mat. Jax nails the big Samoan Drop but Asuka’s foot is under the bottom rope. Jax screams at the referee and gets in his face. Jax shoves the referee to the mat. He gets up and goes on about how she crossed the line, walking over to call the match but Asuka takes advantage of the distraction and rolls Jax up for the win with a fast count assist from the referee.

After the match, Asuka heads to the floor clutching her title as the music hits. Jax immediately gets up and she’s not happy with the finish. We go to replays. Jax stares down at Asuka and the referee from the ring, fuming at what happened.

WWE RAW Results – April 13th, 2020
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Money In the Bank Qualifying Match: Kairi Sane vs. Nia Jax

We go back to the ring for tonight’s final Money In the Bank qualifying match as Kairi Sane makes her way out. Nia Jax is out next.

The bell rings and Jax launches Sane back to the corner. Sane grabs Jax but Jax overpowers her. Jax misses a splash in the corner. Sane uses her speed to mount some offense. Sane goes to the top but rolls through. Sane taunts Jax. Sane tries to mount offense but she’s barely hurting Jax. Jax tosses her to the floor with one arm. We see Asuka backstage cheering Sane on.

Sane rolls back in but Jax slams her in the middle of the ring. Jax slaps Sane and talks some trash. Jax levels Sane with a big clothesline. Jax continues to dominate and talk trash to Sane while she’s down. Jax tosses Sane across the ring by her hair twice. Jax scoops Sane and presses her high above her head, dropping her into a big Samoan Drop, now called The Annihilator. Jax covers for the pin to win and advance to the pay-per-view. After the match, Jax stands tall as her music hits. We go to replays.

Nia Jax will be center stage for WWE Monday Night Raw in OKC
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Dave Morris sits down with WWE Superstar Nia Jax to talk about her start in the arena, life on the road and Monday night’s appearance in OKC.

WWE RAW Results – January 14th, 2019
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Nia Jaxand Tamina Snuka vs Sasha Banks and Ronda Rousey

We go to the ring and out first comes Ronda Rousey. Sasha Banks is out next.

Come from commercial. We go to the ring and Tamina Snuka & Nia Jax are out as the match begins. Banks starts off with Jax and hits some offense but Jax comes back. Back and forth between the two now. Banks goes for a Sleeper hold but Jax powers up and slams her to the mat. Banks with a big knee and then a bulldog from the second rope. Banks with a sliding knee for a 2 count. Rousey tags in for a pop.

Rousey unloads on Jax but Jax slams her into the corner. Snuka tags in and drops Rousey with a headbutt. Rousey drops Snuka and tries for the armbar but Snuka resists. Jax pulls Snuka to the floor for the save. Rousey looks on from the ring as Jax consoles Snuka. Snuka cautiously re-enters the ring but goes right back to the floor for some mind games. Snuka smiles as fans boo. Sasha leaps off the apron with a cheap shot to take Jax down. Snuka goes back into the ring and Rousey taunts her. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and Jax has Banks in a bear-hug. Jax turns that into a powerbomb for a 2 count. Jax hits the ropes and launches herself at Banks for another takedown. Jax keeps Banks grounded now. Banks ends up getting out but Snuka comes in and keeps her down. Banks comes back on Snuka but gets sent into the corner. Snuka drops Rousey on the apron for boos from the crowd. Banks takes advantage and mounts offense on Snuka. Snuka charges but Banks misses and Snuka knocks Jax off the apron to the floor. Banks drops Snuka into the Banks Statement in the middle of the ring for the win, while staring at Rousey.

Nia Jax 2018 Highlight Video
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