Savelina Fanene

Birth name: Savelina Fanene fka Nia Jax
Born: May 29th, 1984
From: Sydney, Australia

Savelina Fanene is a former WWE Superstar and E! Total Divas Star. She was a force to be reckoned with in the women's division. Savelina aimed to prove to be the most dominant and fierce competitor that stepped in the ring, and she did just that during her 7-year stint in WWE, where she became RAW Women's Champion and two-time Women's Tag Team Champion etching her name in history for years to come.

There was one thing that was painfully clear when someone stepped in the ring with Savelina: "She was not like most women".

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 Savelina Fanene Quote

"Anyone can be born with or buy pretty features, but that doesn’t make you truly beautiful. True beauty comes from your soul!"

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Savelina-Fanene.Com is an approved source on Former WWE and E! Total Divas Star, Lina Fanene. We are in no way affiliated with WWE, or any other company. This is strictly a non-profit fansite. No copyright infringement is intended. We do not claim ownership over any content posted on the site and give full credit to sources used. All photos, video content & media belong to WWE and all original sources. We do not claim ownership of any content. All photos are being used under the Fair Copyright Law 107. copyright to their correct owners. If there are any problems with the information that we post please notify us to have it removed or credited.

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WWE RAW Results – November 19th, 2018
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Tamina Snuka and Nia Jax vs Sasha Banks and Bayley

We go to the ring and out comes Sasha Banks. Bayley joins her and they head to the ring together. We go to commercial.

Back from the break. Tamina Snuka is out next followed by Nia Jax. They head to the ring. Sasha starts off with Jax and immediately unloads on her. Jax overpowers and takes Banks into the corner.

Banks unloads with kicks now. Banks and Bayley keep Jax in their corner with several quick tags. Jax overpowers Bayley to the mat for more boos. Jax plays to the crowd and they eat it up. Snuka comes in and goes to work on Bayley, sending her to the mat with a headbutt. Banks and Bayley end up sending Jax and Snuka to the floor. They stand tall in the ring as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and Jax is in control of Bayley. Bayley stuns Jax and they both look to make tags. Banks tags in but Jax presses her to her shoulders. Banks slides out and takes the knee out, then slams Jax’s face into the mat. Banks with a Shining Wizard for a 2 count as Jax sends her flying with the kick out. Snuka levels Banks on the floor as Jax had the referee distracted. Snuka tags in and brings Banks in for a 2 count. Snuka keeps control and drops Banks for another close 2 count in the corner. Snuka keeps Banks grounded now.

Banks finally gets the tag but Snuka ends up leveling Bayley with a big superkick. Snuka talks some trash as fans boo while Bayley is out. Bayley rolls her up out of nowhere for a 2 count. Bayley with a Stunner over the top rope, and another. Bayley unloads but Snuka comes in from the apron. Bayley with a Thesz Press and more strikes. Bayley goes to the top and hits a crossbody on Snuka for a close 2 count. Bayley escapes a Samoan Drop from Snuka but this allows Jax to drop her with a cheap shot to the face from the apron. Fans boo Jax.

Jax tags in and rams Bayley back into the corner, then tosses her to the mat. Jax runs over Bayley for a close 2 count as Banks breaks it up. Jax takes out Banks and sends her to the floor. Bayley jumps on Jax’s back but gets tossed to the mat. Bayley goes to the top and has to kick Snuka away as she charges. Jax brings Bayley down and ends up catching her with a big Samoan Drop for the pin to win.

After the match, Snuka and Jax stand tall as the music hits.


After Ronda Rousey defeated Mickie James, Rousey stood tall and raised the title as her music plays. Rousey exits the ring and greets fans on the way up the ramp. Rousey stops and turns back towards the ring. She turns back around as Nia Jax and Tamina Snuka come out to the ramp. Jax stares her down in her face and smiles, taunting her as The Facebreaker. Jax and Snuka go back to the back without anything happening.

WWE Survivor Series Results – November 18th, 2018
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RAW vs. SmackDown 5-on-5 Women’s Traditional Elimination Match: Nia Jax, Tamina Snuka, Ember Moon, Sasha Banks, Bayley (Team Captain: Alexa Bliss) vs. Naomi, Sonya Deville, Asuka, Carmella, Mandy Rose (Team Captain: Naomi)

We go to the ring for the women’s Team RAW vs. Team SmackDown match as Carmella comes out with R-Truth, rapping their way to the ring. Team SmackDown Captain Naomi is out next. Mandy Rose is out next. Sonya Deville is out next. Asuka is out last. We see a replay from the recent women’s invasion angle on RAW. Team RAW is out next as Captain Alexa Bliss comes out. Mickie James is out next, followed by Tamina Snuka. Nia Jax’s music hits next as the arena fills with loud boos. Sasha Banks is out next, followed by Bayley to a pop.

The bell rings and the two teams get ready to do battle. Naomi starts off with Snuka. Naomi with a quick pin attempt after taking Snuka down. Tamina decks Naomi and knocks Rose off the apron. A big brawl breaks out in the ring with all 10 Superstars. Asuka sends Banks to the floor after a bunch of strikes. Naomi takes Jax down with a kick. Snuka superkicks Naomi and pins her. Naomi has been eliminated to boos.

Carmella comes from behind and immediately rolls Snuka up for the pin. Snuka has been eliminated to a pop.

Carmella calls for a dance break and the music hits as the lights go down. She dances and stops, but turns around to Jax staring at her. This backfires but Rose ends up tagging in. she taunts Jax but Jax levels her for a close 2 count. Rose comes back and drops Jax. Mickie tags in and unloads on Rose. Rose pushes her away and misses a clothesline. Mickie with a neckbreaker for a 2 count. Rose with an abdominal stretch to Mickie now, while driving an elbow to the gut. Mickie breaks it and drops Rose into a submission. Rose makes it to the bottom rope to break the hold. Asuka tags in and stares Mickie down. Fans chant for Asuka as they lock up. They go at it and collide with shoulders in the middle of the ring but both are still standing, twice. Asuka drops Mickie with a Hip Attack.

Asuka with more offense to Mickie. Asuka with a submission into a close 2 count counter by Mickie. Asuka drops Mickie with a backfist. Sonya tags in and rams Mickie into the corner. Sonya with thrusts as the referee backs her off. Deville goes back in but Mickie elbows her. Mickie drops h er again and delivers two kicks. Mickie keeps control but Bayley tags herself in. Bayley and Mickie have a few words. Bayley drops elbows on Deville and covers for a 2 count. Banks tags in and starts working over Deville in the corner. Banks with knees to the gut while Deville was laid out in the corner. Mickie tags herself in and hits a Thesz Press on Sonya for a 2 count. Deville counters and hits a Spear. Deville charges in with a knee but Mandy is legal as she tagged herself in. Rose runs in and steals the pin. Mickie has been eliminated.

Rose and Deville have some words. Bayley tags in and rolls Rose up for a 2 count. Rose turns it around and in comes Carmella. Carmella takes Bayley to the corner and works her over. Bayley drops Carmella in the corner and goes to the top but has to land on her feet. Bayley misses again and Carmella kicks her to her knees. Carmella moonwalks while applying a headlock. Carmella keeps control of Bayley and mocks Banks. Carmella charges in the corner but Bayley catches her with a Bayley-to-Belly suplex. Bayley covers for the pin. Carmella has been eliminated.

Rose runs back in and takes Bayley back down, working her over in the corner. Rose keeps control and mocks Bayley. Banks finally gets the tag. She hits clotheslines and a dropkick to Rose. Banks misses knees in the corner as Rose moves. Banks comes back with the Backstabber into the Banks Statement. Rose taps. Rose has been eliminated.

Deville runs right in and starts pounding on Banks. It’s down to Deville and Asuka vs. Banks, Bayley and Jax. Asuka tags in and unloads on Banks in the corner with kicks. Asuka takes Banks to another corner and hits the Hip Attack. Asuka with a kick and a 2 count. Deville tags back in and drops Banks into a bodyscissors. Banks powers up with Deville on her back, ramming her into the corner. Banks tosses Deville to the mat Deville blocks a tag but Banks finally gets it. Bayley comes in with clotheslines to Deville. Bayley with a counter and a running knee to Deville. Bayley with more offense and a high knee in the corner for a 2 count. Bayley dodges moves but Deville rocks her and nails a Spinebuster for a 2 count as Jax runs in and breaks the pin. Fans boo Jax.

Jax runs into the ring post after Deville moves. Fans pop. Asuka kicks Jax in the face and they pop again. Banks ends up nailing the Meteora from the apron to Asuka on the floor. Bayley with the big suplex to Deville for a 2 count. Deville ends up taking Bayley to the mat but she also lands hard on her neck on the floor. Deville kicks Bayley into the barrier as the referee counts. They continue brawling. Bayley with a Bayley-to-Belly suplex on the floor. They both get counted out. Bayley and Deville have been eliminated at the same time.

It’s down to Asuka vs. Banks and Jax now. Banks faces off with Asuka in the ring. They go at it and trade dropkicks. Asuka blocks the Backstabber and levels Banks. Asuka with a big German suplex, dropping Banks on her neck. Banks catches Asuka with a right hand. Jax joins Banks on the apron and fans pop. Asuka knocks Jax off with a Hip Attack and fans pop. Banks comes in and drops Asuka. Asuka sends Banks out of the ring. Asuka tries to attack from the apron but Banks catches a boot and drops her face-first on the apron. Bliss talks Jax up to get her ready while she recovers on the outside. Asuka with a Hip Attack to Banks on the outside. Asuka brings Banks back in and nails a missile dropkick for another close 2 count. Fans chant for Asuka as she goes at it with Banks now. Banks goes for the Banks Statement but Asuka counters with the Asuka Lock. It’s countered. Sasha with a 2 count. Banks blocks a kick and sends Asuka to the corner. Banks with the flying knees into the corner. Banks goes to the top but Jax comes to the apron and pushes her partner off. This allows Asuka to roll Banks into the Asuka Lock. Banks taps to Asuka. Banks has been eliminated.

Fans boo as Jax enters the ring and hit several leg drops on Asuka while she’s down. Jax with a third leg drop. Jax stands tall as the boos continue. Jax with a Samoan Drop to Asuka for the win. After the match, Jax stands tall and taunts the crowd as her music hits. We go to replays. Bliss enters the ring and raises Jax’s arm as the boos continue.

WWE RAW Results – November 12th, 2018
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We see Nia Jax and Tamina Snuka walk together in the back and they scare off some backstage employees.

We go to commercial.

Ember Moon vs Tamina Snuka (with Nia Jax)

ia distracts Ember and Tamina with a punch and kick.  Tamina with a head butt.  Tamina sends Ember into the turnbuckles.  Ember lands on her feet on a hip toss and she tries for a sunset flip but Tamina picks Ember up.  Ember with kicks to Tamina followed by forearms.  Ember with an enzuigiri and she gets a near fall.

Ember with a sliding flatliner to Tamina and Tamina rolls to the floor.  Ember with a baseball slide on the apron and Tamina is taken down. Nia confronts Ember and that allows Tamina to recover and clothesline Ember as we go to commercial.

We are back and Tamina with a reverse chin lock. Tamina takes Ember back to the mat. Tamina with a knee drop and she gets a near fall. Ember and Tamina with forearms and Ember lands on her feet on a belly-to-back suplex attempt.  Ember with a drop kick.  Ember with kicks and a forearm.  Ember staggers Tamina on an enzuigiri but Tamina with a punch.  Ember with a suicide dive into Nia and Nia does not move.

Ember kicks Tamina and hits a springboard cross body for a near fall.  Ember with a handspring clothesline and then she goes up top but Nia gets on the apron to distract Ember. Tamina with a super kick. Tamina goes up top and hits the Superfly Splash for the three count. After the match, Nia celebrates Tamina’s victory in the ring before grabbing Ember and stomping her chest in followed by a leg drop.

Backstage segment

Ronda Rousey is backstage talking about facing Becky Lynch.Nia Jax shows up with Tamina and says that they are here to wish her luck before Nia points at the title and walk off.

In ring Segment

Alexa Bliss makes her way to the ring. She is joined in the ring by Tamina Snuka, Nia Jax, and Mickie James. Alexa says Sunday is personal. Survivor Series if personal. It is to show that Raw is the A Show and that Smackdown is second best. She is not just expecting victory, but demanding it. Alexa says that one member of the team is not here because Natalya had to focus on her emotions.

Alexa introduces her team. First is Mickie James. Next is Nia Jax. The next member of the team is someone with a killer instinct, Tamina. Alexa goes on to announce Sasha vs Bayley to fill the final spot on the Women’s Survivor Series team. After a good back and forth match up, it ends in a DQ after Nia, Tamina, and Mickie attacks Sasha and Bayley. Alexa then announce Ruby Riott as the 5th member. All the women are in the ring where they witness Becky attacking Ronda. Becky later comes out to the ring where the Smackdown LIVE women’s roster attack Nia and the other RAW women’s Survivor Series team. RAW ends with Smackdown women standing tall.

WWE RAW Results – November 5th, 2018
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Rousey is about to leave the ring when Nia Jax’s music interrupts and out she comes. Jax says Ronda is all fired up and got her going in the back. Jax says Survivor Series is like Evolution, she’s fighting for the entire RAW locker room, not just herself. Jax knows Ronda won’t let them down but after she makes Becky tap at Survivor Series, Jax will be waiting for her. Champ. They stare at each other and Rousey laughs. The music interrupts and out comes Ember Moon to the ring. Cole leads us to a video package on WWE’s new partnership with Girl Up.

Nia Jax vs. Ember Moon

We come back from the video as Nia Jax and Ember Moon stare each other down in the ring. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and we get the bell. They go at it and Moon looks to mount offense. Jax just tosses her out of the ring. Jax brings it back into the ring but Moon nails a kick. More back and forth now as Moon looks to mount some momentum. Jax catches her in mid-crossbody to turn it around. Jax dominates Moon now and launches her across the ring. Jax works over Moon while she’s down and covers for a 2 count. Jax ties Moon up in a submission now, telling the referee to ask her if she quits. Moon starts fading in the hold.

Moon finally fights out and ducks a clothesline. Jax overpowers but Moon kicks her a few times. Jax drives Moon to the mat to cut her off. Jax scoops Moon and sends her face-first into the top turnbuckle. Jax levels Moon again and runs the ropes for a big leg drop but Moon rolls out of the way. Jax gets up first but Moon kicks her in the head. Moon with another counter and more strikes as she makes a comeback. Moon springboards with a crossbody for a 2 count as Jax powers up. Moon screams out and rocks Jax with a big forearm. Jax still kicks out at 2, sending Moon flying across the ring with the kick out.

Jax shoves Moon into the corner but misses a splash as Moon moves out of the way. Moon goes for the tornado DDT but Jax blocks it. Moon with an enziguri but Jax is still standing. Jax catches Moon with a Samoan Drop for the pin to win.

After the match, Jax recovers and raises her arms until the music interrupts and out comes Tamina Snuka. Tamina marches to the ring as Jax watches. They stare each other down, standing over Moon. Tamina looks down at Moon, as does Jax. Tamina grabs Moon and nails a Samoan Drop, right in front of Jax. Some fans boo. Jax looks confused but she tells Tamina to turn Moon over. Tamina turns Moon over into a Boston Crab. Jax starts dropping elbow on Moon as fans boo. Jax drops another big shot to Moon while Snuka keeps her down. Jax and Tamina hug in the middle of the ring and raise their arms as Jax’s music hits. Snuka and Jax leave together.

Backstage exclusive segment

Find out why Nia Jax joined Tamina in brutalizing her friend Ember Moon on Raw

WWE RAW Results – October 29th, 2018
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Backstage Segment

The announcers show us stills from the 20-woman Battle Royal at Evolution, which saw Nia Jax win to earn a future RAW Women’s Title shot. Kayla Braxton is backstage with Nia now. Braxton asks when Nia plans on challenging Ronda Rousey. Nia says Rousey has Becky Lynch at Survivor Series but she will be waiting for her after she makes Becky tap to prove that RAW has the superior women’s division. Kayla introduces Ember Moon next. She talks about going at it with Nia in the Battle Royal. Moon says she had lightning in a bottle last night but… Nia interrupts and gives Moon props but says Braxton should be asking her more about facing Rousey. Moon and Nia have some words. Moon challenges Nia to a match and Nia accepts. Nia says she beat Moon last night and will do it again tonight. Nia walks off.

Nia Jax vs. Ember Moon

We go to the ring and out comes Nia Jax. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and Nia waits in the ring as Ember Moon makes her way out. The bell rings and Moon nails a dropkick to start. Moon looks to mount more offense and sends Nia into the corner. Moon goes to the top but Nia cuts her off with a forearm to the jaw. Nia places Moon on her shoulders but Moon slides out. Moon fights back but Nia levels her. Nia keeps control and drops an elbow in the middle of the ring. Nia with a 2 count. Nia with a big lariat before keeping Moon locked in a bear hug.

Nia ends up running into the ring post after Moon moves out of the way. Moon climbs to the second turnbuckle and leaps out to the floor, taking Nia back down. The referee counts as they are both down on the outside. They return to the ring but the music interrupts and out comes Tamina Snuka.

Nia and Moon stare her down. Nia takes advantage and drops Moon. Nia nails the leg drop and covers Moon for the pin.

After the match, Nia and Tamina stare each other down. Tamina steps up on the apron but jumps back down as Nia’s music hits. The staredown continues.

WWE Evolution Results – October 28th, 2018
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20-Woman Battle Royal for a Future Title Shot

We go to the ring and Lilian Garcia goes over the rules for tonight’s Battle Royal for a future title shot. Naomi is out first. Jimmy Uso is cheering his wife on tonight. Cole shows us the Spanish and German announce teams at ringside. Michelle McCool is out next, followed by Sonya Deville, WWE Hall of Famer Alundra Blayze and Carmella. We see R-Truth in the crowd cheering Carmella on. Zelina Vega is out next, followed by Kelly Kelly, Tamina Snuka, Ember Moon, Lana, Maria Kanellis, Mandy Rose, Molly Holly, Dana Brooke, Nia Jax, WWE Hall of Famer Ivory and Asuka. We see The Miz and Maryse in the crowd cheering on Asuka. Mike Kanellis was also shown in the crowd with their daughter. Torrie Wilson is out next, followed by The IIconics, Peyton Royce and Billie Kay. Peyton and Billie take the mic as the other female Superstars look on. They mock Long Island and take shots at some of the stars in the ring. They enter the ring, still talking trash on the mic.

The bell rings and everyone goes after The IIconics. They are quickly eliminated by the veterans as the current Superstars look on, not looking happy. The veterans turn around and the current Superstars are staring them down, surrounding them. Maria is with the veterans. A big brawl breaks out.

Alundra works on Tamina. Mandy and Deville eliminate Molly first. Deville and Rose double team Kelly now. Kelly is eliminated. Dana and Ivory go at it. Torrie fights off Deville. Torrie tries to dump Deville but Rose makes the save. Maria and Vega go at it. Deville and Rose eliminate Torrie next. Rose shoves Deville off the apron and eliminates her partner. Deville kicks Torrie on the outside


Blayze clotheslines Asuka and Naomi at the same time. Jax scoops Alundra and dumps her for the elimination. Maria unloads on Jax and hits a DDT. Ember goes at it with Carmella. Maria drops Tamina and hits the Bronco Buster in the corner. Jax scoops Maria and eliminates her. Vega with double knees on Tamina in the corner. Rose rocks Jax. Tamina superkicks Vega. Tamina with a Samoan Drop to Carmella. Jax and Tamina face off in the middle of the ring as the crowd pops. Lana approaches but they yell and turn to start attacking the other competitors together. Jax and Tamina drop everyone and turn their attention back to each other. Lana tries to keep the peace again but she slaps Tamina and then kicks Jax. This does nothing but anger them and Lana gets dropped. Lana gets eliminated by Tamina.

Jax scoop slams Tamina. Asuka unloads on Jax. Naomi joins in. We get an eight-woman suplex attempt in the middle of the ring now and it goes over. Carmella is the only one standing but she stops for a dance break. Truth loves it. Ivory approaches Carmella and they start dancing together in the middle of the ring. Mandy tries to eliminate Ivory but Carmella assists and Rose is eliminated. McCool and Carmella go at it now. Moon eliminates Dana. McCool knocks Moon out of the air with a big boot. Asuka works over Jax in the corner with Naomi helping her. Moon eliminates McCool.

Asuka and Naomi double team Tamina now. Tamina eliminates Naomi as she charged in. Ivory slams Asuka on her face. Carmella kicks Jax but Jax shoves her down. Moon drops Jax with a DDT. Moon and Carmella botch a move. Carmella drops Moon in the corner. Carmella moonsaults and charges but Moon sends her to the apron. Moon eliminates Carmella. It’s down to Jax, Snuka, Ivory, Asuka and Moon. Tamina works over Ivory in the corner. Ivory fights back shot for shot. Ivory goes to the top and barley hits a crossbody on Tamina. Fans chant “you still got it” as Ivory poses in the corner. Asuka tries to eliminate Ivory and they tangle. Asuka eliminates Ivory off the apron with a Hip Attack. Asuka, Moon, Jax and Snuka are left. Asuka and Moon face off with Asuka smiling at her. They shove each other and go at it. Asuka with a big knee to the face. Asuka misses a Hip Attack and Moon kicks her in the face. Moon eliminates Asuka.

Moon turns around to a superkick from Tamina but she catches it and rocks her. Tamina with a spinning side-slam to Moon. Jax grabs Tamina but Tamina superkicks her. Moon rocks Tamina as fans chant for Moon. Moon dropkicks Jax next while she’s down. Moon goes back and forth between Jax and Snuka. Moon goes to the top and hits The Eclipse on Tamina. Moon eliminates Snuka. It’s down to friends Jax and Moon now. Fans cheer them on as they face off. Jax shoves Moon to the mat and overpowers her. Jax tosses Moon across the ring as the “let’s go Ember” chants continue. Moon gets sent to the apron but she hangs on and fights back. Moon tries to bring Jax over the top rope but Jax resists. Vega runs in and tips them both to the apron. Vega was never eliminated. Vega thinks she won but they’re still on the apron. Jax enters and Vega looks shocked. Vega turns but Jax grabs her by her hair. Vega ends up on Jax’s back but Jax power up and presses Vega high in the air for a pop. Jax tosses Vega out of the ring, on top of Tamina. Jax turns around to Moon dropkicking her. Moon rocks Jax a few times and tries to get her over the rope. Moon charges but Jax slams her hard into the mat from mid-move. Jax tosses Moon over the top for the win to earn a future title shot


After the match, Jax stands tall and gets emotional as her music plays. Jax has earned a future title shot. We go to replays. Charly Caruso enters the ring for a post-match interview. Caruso says Jax just triumphed and made history. Fans chant for Jax as she takes the mic. Jax said it was amazing as she got to share the ring with so many talent but right now her mind is on the RAW Women’s Title. Caruso asks who she would rather face – Nikki Bella or champion Ronda Rousey. Jax hopes they have a great match but whoever wins, she hopes they have a great moment because it won’t last long. Jax leaves the ring and embraces The Rock’s mom, Ata Johnson, at ringside

Exclusive Behind The Scenes Segment – Battle Royal winner Nia Jax on her in-ring tribute to Roman Reigns

WWE RAW Results – October 22nd, 2018
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Nia Jax vs Dana Brooke vs Tamina Snuka vs Ember Moon

We go to the ring and out comes Nia Jax for a Fatal 4 Way. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and Dana Brooke is out as is Tamina Snuka. Ember Moon is out next and we get a sidebar promo from her hyping the Battle Royal at Evolution.

The bell rings and everyone goes at it. Nia tosses Dana to the corner and immediately goes after Tamina. Dana and Ember hit a double drop kick to a distracted Nia and Tamina. Nia slams Dane,  elbows Tamina into the corner before running over Ember. Nia hits a flipping senton on Dana. Jax scoops Tamina for a Samoan Drop but Tamina slides out and nails a superkick. Tamina turns around to Moon hitting The Eclipse from the top. Moon covers Tamina for the win.

After the match, Moon stands alone in the ring as her music hits. Jax stares her down from the floor.